Look At Me Now

Quote of  the Day:Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe

Beauty in the mirror
See what I see
I can see all that you want from me
I hear something strong and
It's sounds like my name
But if I answer
Are you talking to me
Rags Cast - Look At Me Now 

Vogue has introduced this week a beautiful and summer fresh dress in bright yellow and black. I totally love the bold color of this dress because its sure to draw attention to you and looks beautiful on any skin. The hat i got at the last Arcade was so cute but i couldn't find a perfect occasion to wear it until i decided to visit the L'Atelier Sad's sim. It creativity and fantasy infused creations was perfect like Alice in the wonderland.

Style Me:
MONS / Makeups  - Glamorous Look - Eyeliner gold
Madrid Solo- Manscara- Squinty Eyes
MS- Eye Dominance- Style 1
Elysium - Chanel lips - diva red (mocha)
:: PM :: Venice Earring in Yellow 
[ glow ] stuio - Shapes Bracelet (gold/shiny)
LaGyo_Hilda headpiece RARE3
!lamb. Ambrosia - Kit Kat

Disclaimer: I  will not be adding all of the links used combined with the featuring items, but feel free to search the names for the rest of the clothing  if desired or send me a message asking about it.


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