Blast from the Past

Quote of  the Day:You become what you believe. –Oprah Winfrey 

From a request i had for a more ethnic, used in this term as a dark skin tone and a conversation i had with a long time friend that knew me from before modeling self. I went back in my inventory and dust of one of my favorite skins.

Its not the one i started my modeling career with but the second one, i bought when i needed a clean skin with no make up on it to be able to  apply the makeup i wanted with each outfit. Looking at how the skin fit my shape really reminds me why i loved it in the first place, even a year after. I am  still waiting for the skin designer from Glance to create the mesh hand and feet appliers for all her skins because i truly love her work.

Style Me:
[mock]Crema LipColor [Lip 2] Sanguine
Madrid Solo- Manscara- Squinty Eyes
MS- Eye Dominance- Style 1
GizzA - Loose Denim Short [Blue]
GizzA - Bikini Bra [Retro] WEAR ME
Maitreya V.I.P. Group Gift - Mesh EyeLashes
[LeLutka]-2011 lashes/natur/touch me
>TRUTH< Tenille - carob

Disclaimer: I  will not be adding all of the links used combined with the featuring items, but feel free to search the names for the rest of the clothing  if desired or send me a message asking about it.




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