The siren Call

Quote of  the Day:“ Every man carries with him the world in which he must live. ”— F. Marion Crawford

Sometimes we feel like screaming our heart out to the world, telling them  look at me, i am real. I feel and breath like any human around, that im not just a combination of pixels guided by my keyboard. that you should be careful what you do to me  and how you treat me. 

I think people keep forgetting this part and take this whole second existence as a game for them to play and manipulate how ever they see fit. They think they are safe behind their screen for any consequences of their actions. All i can say is that i believe in karma, it might warn you of your actions but if you don't listen, dont cry when it burn you hard.

There is only so much you can do and will take from the kind of people that can easily suck the life out of your body and the trust you invest in them but here im singing my last song because once i turn my back, you don't exist any more in my eyes.

The siren sings, a sad story, of dead bodies floating  in the sea, dead eyes that lost the sparkle trying to reach something that wasn't meant for them to reach,  enchanted by the sweetness of her voice and promises of a better  tomorrow. 
The siren sings,beware of her song

Style Me:
Elysium - Chanel lips - magenta
MONS / Makeups - eyeshadow spray green

GizzA - Tube Jumpsuit [Green]


LaGyo_Mayra necklace GOLD
ZC : Indra painted stacked bangles *gold

ISON - Ruby(hair fair)

Disclaimer: I  will not be adding all of the links used combined with the featuring items, but feel free to search the names for the rest of the clothing  if desired or send me a message asking about it.


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