Reveal my strength

Race, life's a race
And I'm gonna win
Yes, I'm gonna win
And I light the fuse
And I'll never lose
And I choose to survive

Quote of  the Day: When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. –Henry Ford

Today  i am featuring a new clothing store but not only does they make clothes. they also make skins. High quality skins ready for the whole mesh community, set with hands and feet applier and not only that also the Lola tango and Lush appliers. As a fan of natural looking makeup, the new Linda skin milk, i am wearing in Pure is perfect. Double Diva's is a store to keep an eye out for whats next.

dutch summer2

Style Me:

Double Diva's :: Linda :: Milk  ::Pure

Tee*fy Heather Ruffles High-Waist Shorts  Bloom

Tee*fy Bella Ruffles Camisole  Bloom

[LWL] Bluetooth Moth RARE

[LeLutka]-KEELEY hair - BlondeFunFade

Disclaimer: I  will not be adding all of the links used combined with the featuring items, but feel free to search the names for the rest of the clothing  if desired or send me a message asking about it.


Zivaah Darling

Second Life professional runway- print- Model,

blogger, stylist, and in-store model 


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