We can burn brighter, than the sun

Quote of  the Day: “We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak.” ― Albert Einstein

You can find the necklace and headwear at The perfect event for this season. 
The Jewelry & Accessory Expo
Keep an eye out for more information and also on the Siren website for fashion shows, parties and opening days

I hope you enjoy my post. kiss kiss

Style Me:
*CASHMERE*Zumbada Jumpsuit(tribal)
MONS SAVAGE / Makeups - Eyeshadow Fallinlove - green
MONS / Makeups - Lipstick Ombresh - nectar
Amacci - Runway Blush Tattoo - Peach (strong)

Disclaimer: I  will not be adding all of the links used combined with the featuring items, but feel free to search the names for the rest of the clothing  if desired or send me a message asking about it.


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